Turning Sprue Waste into Opportunity: Sustainability at JET PRESS

Added 21.06.24



At JET PRESS, we are committed to leading the way in sustainable manufacturing. Our injection moulding processes, pivotal to producing high-quality components, also generate a byproduct known as sprue waste. This waste, primarily composed of the same high-grade plastics as our products, such as polystyrene and ABS, represents both a challenge and an opportunity for environmental stewardship.

Understanding Sprue Waste

During injection moulding, molten plastic is channelled through sprues and runners into mould cavities to form parts. The resultant sprue waste is the excess that solidifies in these channels, a necessary part of our manufacturing but not of the final product. Historically, this leftover material might have been viewed as mere waste; however,
at JET PRESS, we see it as a resource awaiting a second life.

The Environmental Impact

Each year, the injection moulding industry produces significant amounts of sprue waste, which, if not properly managed, can increase landfill volumes and environmental degradation. According to businesswaste.co.uk – Here are some of the top UK plastic waste statistics:

•    Five million tonnes of plastic are used annually in the UK
•    Around half of all plastic used across the country is for packaging
•    Sadly, only about a quarter is recycled
•    That means nearly four million tonnes of plastic waste could go to UK landfill sites every year
•    The average Brit creates 76kg of plastic waste each year, 20 times more than 50 years ago.
•    370,000 tonnes of plastic bottles are recycled on average each year in the UK
•    About 61% of plastic bottles are collected for recycling – and 75% of PET drink bottles are recycled
•    7 billion plastic bottles are bought across the UK each year
•    UK homes chuck out 100 billion bits of plastic packaging a year – an average of 66 items per household per week

Our goal at JET PRESS is to confront this challenge head-on by implementing innovative recycling technologies that convert waste into reusable raw materials.

Innovative Recycling Solutions

By shredding and reprocessing sprue waste into plastic pellets, we reintroduce them into the manufacturing cycle, reducing our raw material costs and environmental footprint. This process supports our sustainability goals and aligns with global efforts to enhance circular economies within industries.


Benefits of Recycling

We are witnessing a growing demand from our customers for products made with recycled raw materials. This shift not only underscores the environmental benefits of recycling sprue waste but also brings significant economic advantages. By integrating recycled materials, we optimise resource use, reduce production costs and lower waste disposal fees. This practice sets a benchmark for responsible production, enhancing our reputation among partners and customers who prioritise sustainability.

JET PRESS Strategies for Minimising Environmental Impact

We take our responsibility to the environment seriously. Approximately 95% of our sprue waste is recycled, reflecting our commitment to reducing the amount of plastic sent to landfills. This is a significant achievement, considering the challenges associated with recycling certain types of plastics.



In addition to our recycling efforts, we are further minimising our environmental impact through the use of renewable energy sources. Solar panels installed in our manufacturing facilities generate a substantial portion of our energy needs, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing our carbon footprint.

Our investment in servo-driven, energy-efficient plastic injection moulding machinery underscores our dedication to sustainability. These machines require less energy to operate and maintain our production efficiency and product quality. By integrating these practices, we adhere to strict environmental standards and drive innovation in sustainable manufacturing processes.

Through these measures, JET PRESS is not just complying with environmental regulations but is actively working towards a greener future. We believe that our proactive approach to sustainability is good for the planet and also benefits our customers, community and the broader industry.


JET PRESS is a leading provider of contract manufacturing services, specialising in the production of high-quality metal and plastic parts. Our UK-based facilities serve a wide array of industries, including automotive, aerospace, medical, military, furniture and toys and are equipped to manage projects of any scale, from small bespoke runs to large-volume production.

If you want to find out more about JET PRESS and its manufacturing capabilities, visit jetpress.com or contact our sales team online at webenquiries@jetpress.com
or call +44 1623 551 800.

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